Sunday, February 14, 2010

Half Way There

BLAH, BLAH, BLAH! The weather matched my attitude and emotions on this dreaded V day. So, what did I do? Hmm...I woke up, visited with my parents for a few, came home to take a nap, order a pizza, painted with the kids and made mimosas. Honestly, I acted like the holiday didn't even exist. The only good thing that comes from this day is I know February is half over. Thank goodness it is the shortest month of the year.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Super Woman

So as you all know, I hate February. I just want to take the strongest sleeping pill and wake up in March, but unfortunately I don't have that option. So, I deal with it. I relive the pain of losing Jim all over again. My sister-n-law said it best once, "there is just an irie feeling that comes over me in February." And bless her heart, she had to experience the pain of losing her brother on her birthday. The day he was buried, she celebrates another year of life. Ironic, huh? Either that, or just another one of God's tests. I have had a lot of people call me "Super Woman" but she is truly a "Super Woman" to me. So cheers to you Sarah and happy birthday!

Monday, February 1, 2010

I curse you February!

It is hard to imagine that my 7 week old is now 4 years old and my 16 month old is now 5 years old. Those were the ages of my children 4 years ago when their dad passed away. It is so hard to imagine that it has been that long. Yet at the same time, I can't remember raising children with him. I have learned to do it all for so long that actually having someone around is, well, a bit incomprehensible.
February is hard and dreaded every year now. Jim had his stroke on February 1st, passed away on the 3rd and buried on the 6th. He proposed to me on the 14th and my birthday is only to follow on the 28th. So now, I CURSE this month!