JULY 26, 2006
Three years ago, to the today, I was so excited about becoming Mrs. Jim Coursey. I didnt care about my dress, the flowers or anything else other than the fact that I was going to finally be Jims wife. For those of you who dont know, Jim and I lived more than 10 hours away from each other for a year prior to marriage. I was in
Jim knew that he wasnt going to live long. He always said that to his friends and family. I think it was because his dad died at a young age. But I think there was a turning point for Jim. I believe that when our son and daughter were born that he wanted to live longer that he thought he would. I think he began to get scared and really tired which wore his body out. I have no doubt in my head and heart that Jim loved me and our children. And I believe that people have many changing thoughts about what they want in life. I believe that Jim tried really hard for so long to find his happiness until one day he stopped. And then we found each other. Would I do it all again even knowing the outcome? YESnot only for Jim and my kids but for me. I have learned a lot over the 5 years. Nothing is more important that ones happinesseven if it takes you 40 years to find it. I dont know what is in store for Stetson, Evie and myself but I know God has a real challenge if he thinks he can make it better that my life with Jim.
Jim was the best husband a wife could ever ask for
We almost made it to three yearsbut we had the best 2 ½ years I could ever pray for.
Jim wrote this to me last year for our 2nd Anniversary
Happy 2nd Anniversary
Thanks for
Believing in me.
Trusting me.
Being a wonderful mother and mother to be.
Putting up with a full year and more of living in a construction zone. (Its almost over!)
Being as pretty on the inside as you are on the outside.
Going to work when you would rather be at home with Stetson.
Being patient.
Looking out for the family budget.
Loving my family and being willing to spend time with them.
Caring about our spiritual well being.
Always remembering giving is more satisfying than getting and never complaining when we write a check for someone else instead of spending it on ourselves.
Getting up in the middle of the night.
Putting up with my friends and letting me still be one of the boys when I ask for a weekend off.
Sharing a life with me.
In two years I have never once had the passing thought, Is this going to work? You made it worth the wait.
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